Discover Our Personalized Integrative Approach and Allow Yourself To Thrive

We partner with you to get to the ROOT CAUSE of your health challenges and guide you along your journey toward health & healing.


Hello and welcome

Too many people in their 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s are faced with serious, but preventable/solvable diseases. They go to conventional care to sit back so that they can be fixed: so that their symptoms can passively be treated. We do things differently here.

At Valeo Life, we specialize in addressing the root causes of dis-ease. Dis-eases are homeostatic corrective responses: your body is making adaptations, because your epigenetics (input) does not match your genetics. Change your input, change your life. This is simply put what we do.

We listen to you, analyze how the biological systems in your body are functioning, map out the complete movie of your dis-ease and create a personal treatment plan for you. We are not doctors, but we’re your guide and teacher on your health journey. Because that’s what the root word of doctor means: teacher, from Latin verb docēre ‘to teach’. You’re invited to be the student, because ONLY YOU can fix yourself. Like healing a cut in your finger, your body has an amazing healing capacity. If you give it the right conditions.

We’re here to support you and find the right path for you to optimal health and well-being. On the path to a state in which you can thrive: live the adventurous, fun, loving and successful life that you deserve. This is what we at Valeo Life stand for.

Are you wondering whether our support is right for you? Don’t hesitate and feel free to reach out.

Your healing journey can start now, when YOU take the first step.

About the founder

My name is Hayo Venema, founder of Valeo Life and my goal is to give you back control over your own health. Studies in clinical Psycho-Neuro-Immunology (cPNI), natural medicine, orthomolecular therapy, functional training, functional testing, breathwork, energy medicine, DNA and the gut microbiome give me a broad and holistic basis. For me and our team, holistic means: looking at the whole of you and your life, knowing that all systems are interconnected.

What we Treat


Are you ready to experience the amazing power of functional medicine right now?

Look no further than the services and guidance of Valeo Life! Our naturopathic practice offers a personalized and comprehensive approach to healthcare that will leave you feeling your best.

With advanced diagnostic testing, customized treatment plans, and a focus on empowering our patients, we are committed to helping you achieve optimal health and wellbeing. Don’t wait any longer to take control of your health – schedule a Discovery Call with us today and discover the incredible benefits of functional medicine for yourself!

What do clients say about Valeo Life

“Voor het leiden van mijn bedrijf ben ik veel op kantoor en maak ik wekelijks lange reizen met de auto door Duitsland. Het is angstig om te zien hoe weinig ik beweeg op een dag. Ik deed wekelijks aan cardio en zwemmen, maar was begin 2020 een paar kilo te zwaar.  Ik train nu ruim een jaar bij Hayo en merkte al snel dat ik zeer eenzijdig trainde. Ik werd enorm enthousiast omdat ik voelde wat het deed voor mijn hele lichaam en voor mijn fitheid.
Meer dan 40 jaar heb ik gelachen om rekken en strekken met als gevolg dat mijn souplesse en mobiliteit 0 was. Een uurtje bij Hayo kostte mij enorm veel inspanning maar de beloning was net zo groot. Na een jaar ben ik veel soepeler, veel betere mobiliteit en is mijn hele lichaam getraind, die kilo’s blijven er af.
Ik heb geleerd dat wat je leest over gevarieerd trainen absoluut waar is. Ik heb altijd veel bewogen en getraind maar absoluut niet efficiënt en effectief, het had veel beter gekund. MAAR ook veel leuker, en dat is natuurlijk het belangrijkste.  Ik waardeer Hayo zijn enthousiasme en de persoonlijke aanpak en zijn flexibiliteit. De training is altijd goed, maar als je wat minder kracht/energie hebt (door een zware dag/week) dan is dat geen issue, het schema, de oefeningen worden aangepast.”

“Via een vriendin ben ik bij Hayo terecht gekomen. Dit klinkt wellicht cliche, maar het heeft mijn leven veranderd! Eindelijk heb ik iemand gevonden die me precies op de juiste wijze stimuleert, motiveert en pusht tijdens het trainen. Elke training voel ik mezelf een beetje beter, sterker en soepeler worden. Hayo heeft me aangespoord om upgrades door te voeren in mijn voeding en structuur aan te brengen in mijn leefstijl. Door alles wat ik leer tijdens die twee keer per week een uur trainen, kreeg mijn hele leven een impuls. Ik zit strakker in mijn vel, heb een constant energieniveau en voel me weer super scherp. Dankjewel Hayo!”

“I have a pretty demanding job with long hours and juggling multiple projects and priorities being the norm. Before starting with Hayo, I had let the work-life balance tip too far into the work category and I could tell that my health was starting to be impacted; low energy levels, increased weight, and poor sleep.
After my first consultation with Hayo, I knew that he was the right coach/trainer for me. He made it clear that he was all for building a sustainable and long-lasting change, something that I have struggled to implement on my own in the past.
As much as Hayo helped me to achieve my fitness and weight goals (dropped 8KG and packed on a load of muscle), he also helped me to focus on reframing how I engage with health and fitness, to see it as intrinsically linked with my well-being. I think I used to see fitness as something that I “did” rather than something I “lived” every day. This has now definitely changed and I feel so much better for it!
I really enjoyed working with Hayo and our conversations about nutrition and lifestyle aspects. He is a powerhouse of information and can help you to find out what works for you. You definitely get what you pay for!
Hayo represents the best that a coach can offer – he pushes you to your max when you are with him, but he gives you the tools to make sure that you can continue the journey when you are not with him; the true test of a great coach.”

“Goede professionele begeleiding van Hayo. Zijn enthousiasme en duidelijke uitleg over het menselijk lichaam hebben me extra gemotiveerd om mijn eten te verbeteren. Dat heb ik nu goed onder controle. Ik train alweer twee jaar bij Hayo. Iedere training weer precies wat ik nodig heb. Als ik een keer minder zin of energie heb, dan sleept hij me er dooreen en achteraf is dat een lekker gevoel. het is zeker een investering, maar het is het dubbel en dwars waard. Top!”

“It’s obvious that Hayo is passionate about his work, and that he cares a lot about his clients. He spends a lot of time analyzing exactly what you need; not only training, but he also helped me to eat better, improve my stress levels (though this is the hardest part), sleep better and choosing the right supplements. He even managed to eliminate my jet lags. My job involves travelling a lot and changing time zones. Hayo provided me with several effective workout plans that I use in any basic hotel gym or even in my hotel room with resistance bands.  We do workouts through Zoom as well. Love the flexibility! Hayo helped me to strengthen my backside and to get back into decent shape. Happy to have a health coach like him on speed dial.”

“I felt lazy and unmotivated before. It became more difficult to retain stamina with the tempo of my work. I tried a lot of different coaches and diets but that did not really help me. I’m working with Hayo for over a year now and I see a big difference in my energy levels and in the capability of my body. I became much more motivated to do sports and stay consistent.

The experience is very good because it’s 1on1 and private. I love that the entire regimen is totally personal and I feel that for the first time the routine fits into my lifestyle. I learned that there is a good and a bad way of doing things and that as long as you work hard and stay consistent you will achieve your goals!”

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